
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of 2013

Today marks the last day of this busy fruitful year that I had. Its been a challenging year with lots of changes, ups and downs and also meeting great people. Not only great people but also meeting the love of my life. (: 

Looking back, it might been a long and weary year, but I've learnt a lot and appreciate a lot. It may not be the best year that I've gone through in my life, but its definitely a memorable one. One thing that should be marked in the list is the revival of my blog. Due to work and school previously, I couldn't keep this blog going. But now that I've changed my job, and nearly finishing my studies, I've finally decide to keep this going. Hopefully *fingers crossed* 

The other best thing that happened this year is definitely I've found THE partner. (: The one who is able to tolerate my bad temper, who treats me like a kid and loves me all his heart. Thank you dear ♥. 

Besides these, I've learnt to take big steps in my life, making decisions that I think is good for me. *yay!* I've grown up, and proud to say that ^_^v 

Next year will be another big milestone in my life with lots of important and good things happening. And I'm so happy that I will be traveling with my parents for a trip. THIS is my first time to travel with them for a trip, not a day trip *woos* Am so looking forward. 

Resolutions? I don't think I will have a list, but just 3 points that I will think about it. Something that I can achieve and accomplish in 2014. (: I think I've done my best for my 2013 resolutions and I believe I can achieve again in 2014. 

Happy New Year (EVE) ^_^

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